If someone were to ask you, “What are you afraid of?”
What would you answer? Is it really that clear ... that you can say it in a few short words ... what you fear? For most no ... it is not that clear.
The oddity of the problem is most of our fear(s) are bound up in our imagination.
How We Think.
My fear is based on how I imagine things, people or situations to be. Not how they actually are. Those fears keep me frozen in my present, chained to my past and never free to move into my future.
Paraphrased from A Course in Miracles, A miracle releases the past in the present and gives us back our future. (The Text: #13 ... from the 50 Principles of Miracles) ... the oddity is that this is also the working definition of the therapeutic process and the function of Grief.
To be able to imagine is such a powerful ability. That power alone is the one that places us in a place where we are, in theory at least, the dominant species. If you look around you will see all the things that are here on the face of this planet that we have placed here ourselves. Then remember, that before any of them could be made manifest, someone had to imagine them.
But if our power to imagine is not coupled with wisdom, understanding and care ... the knowledge and experience gleaned from dealing with life on life’s terms and satisfying our own basic needs at the same time ... then our imagination can become a very cruel task master. It is the difference between Fire in the Hearth and Fire in the Wild.
It is how we project those fears, memories and feelings forward from our past into our future that skews how we imagine life to be. Then it becomes, what is up there that is the problem ... when in fact it is what is back there that simply needs to be resolved. It really boils down to, I am too afraid to go up there because IT might be waiting up there for me.
The Truth of the Matter Is
The unresolved issues of the past
Haunts and Blemishes
My appreciation
Of the possibility(s) of my future!
I can do this differently
But Only If I Choose
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